Sunday, March 04, 2012

First We Take Brentwood

Apologies for the short notice. Sarah performs in Brentwood this evening at 7:30 at the Contemporary Music Center. Here's how you get there. It's free.


Len Wilson said...

Hey David, can you drop me a line with your contact info? I'd love to connect. Thanks, Len Wilson
Sr Leadership Editor, Abingdon Press

RJM said...

Hello. How does one contact David Dark?

I've been reading Everyday Apocalypse and feeling like it's given voice to what I've been trying to do with songwriting the last 5 or 6 years.

I don't know how far you've moved on from that book in the last 10 years, but I'd love to know your thoughts on my songs if you ever have the time and inclination.

Best wishes,

Anonymous said...

sarah looks way cooler than this junkie
