Today I interviewed David Dark, recent PhD graduate from Vanderbilt University. He also happens to be my husband. If you have an answer to this question, consider yourself interviewed and write in. Or better yet, ask someone nearby. Questions are the sunshine.
"...a creative listener is not someone who simply allows me to say what I already want to say, but someone whose listening actually makes it possible for me to say what I never could have said, and thus to be a new kind of person, one I have never been before and could not have been before this directed listening."
James Carse The Silence of God
IV: Can you think of a time when someone listened to you with the kind of expectancy that helped you to become, as Carse suggests, "a new person"?
DD: Steve Stockman comes to mind. In 1992 he got to asking me questions in Northern Ireland and eventually asked me to "speak" to his group. His finding me interesting helped me want to be interesting. He brought the possibility in his questions that my voice might change him and that changed me.
I'm waiting for a person that really takes me to this place in a LIVE discussion. Sure, in reading books it's happened plenty. But never face-to-face.
Love this: "His finding me interesting helped me want to be interesting."
Back in the ole Greenhills days I can certainly say that Davy did this very thing for me.
Patrick. I am sending "live discussion" dreams your way. Actually, I am shoving them your way. Here's hoping they come soon.
Justin. I loved that too. I think it's how it goes. The being found and the helping.
Davy did that for me too Trev. We miss you monkeys
one time David Dark wrote me in something like a Christmas card something like- continue to let us know what you make of it. That helped me want to be interesting.
My pastor at home too, Steve Hart, knows how to ask questions that let the light shine in.
Um... Sarah Dark on a fairly regular basis... and a certain Lee Smithey
In another conversation David said, "No one can mean alone." Sam asked me about electricity this morning as well and that has me connecting the roles of atoms not being with out protons and electrons, protons not being without quarks... parts playing roles, making more parts.
I love you. Miss you, your clan, your quizzical brow. A cornucopia of care.
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