Once one is exposed to the comprehensive wit of Wendell Berry, there is no going back. The question 'What Would Wendell Berry Do?' comes to inform all manner of decisions in our buying, selling, and doing. In a treatment that is both wide-ranging and robustly evangelical, Bonzo and Stevens bring Berry's witness to bear upon one dim-witted economy after another with an invigorating account of Berry's more magnanimous economic vision. In a constant call to look harder at the world we're in, creation is imagined not as a resource for endless plundering but rather the place where God's kingdom, the great economy, comes, offering the hospitality that sustains, our only home and our only hope.
1 comment:
I introduced my college age son to Wendell Berry's essays several years ago, and now he's plundering all the Wendell Berry out of my library. He has introduced him to others of his generation.
His writings always seem timely, fresh and up to date. He is truly a national treasure, underappreciated.
Thanks for sharing this resource.
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