We listened to Steve Martin's comedy albums on the drive to Detroit today (sans kids). Some Prince and Bob Dylan and P.J. Harvey and Neil Young and Leonard Cohen and Blue Nile and REM too. Hours to talk and think and remember that we really like other. Special thanks to the extraordinary personage, Jude Adam, for looking after our spawn. I'm about to fade into a headache-relieving sleep, but I wanted to post word concerning what could be called a sort of double-header. THIS Friday evening (10th of October), Sarah and Ric Hordinski are playing the Trinity House Theatre at 8:00. In view of the ever-faithful hometown crowd, it might already be sold-out, but it also might not be. One could google the venue or phone them (734.464.6302). And I'm speaking there the next morning. A 9:30 to 11:45 sort of thing. The USA. The elections. How we might be agents of redemptive unease and witnesses to the economy to come. Anyway, I was going to feel bad if I didn't issue a heads-up. And maybe some someone reading this is within doable distance. I hope everyone's weekend is remarkably good.
Did you listen to the one with the "Let's get small" bit on it? My personal favorite. I did a version of it for a girlscout award dinner when I was like, um 11 or something. eek.
have an excellent trip! I love that you enjoy one another so much. That is a beautiful piece of marriage architecture.
i feel relief when i'm cleaning. is that sinful? and what about this feeling i have about the beauty of knowledge? thoughts please.
hey, i know that photo :)
enjoy you're grownup tour. wish i could be there!
hi poop. Sarah here. i should say i'm poop. i missed you (mjaneb) before you left for school. wishing that hadn't been so. AND wishing I could have met grandmother. hope getting back to school has been a good thing and wanting to hear if that is so or anything else for that matter.
i too feel relief when i am cleaning. if it's sinful then i'm satan. sometimes it is the only thing i can control. or like drugs, it is the one thing that gives me the feeling of control and (unlike drugs) eventual visible satisfaction. knowledge...i dunno. enjoy the feeling i guess. anything that makes you feel all good is probably a good thing. unless it makes you feel good to kill people. i love reading something that just gets into the places you know are there but haven't been able to access until you heard it put a particular way by a particular person... you can feel yourself growing. that's a good feeling. maybe that is some stab at what inspiration can be/is. sometimes i can feel myself floating up above the city (not drug induced either) when i am reading something really good or when someone says something that just rings true, and i can see for miles in a way that makes impossibility some untruth. some shackle on the mind. moving mountains, mustard seed into tree, blind see, lame walk... i don't feel so 21st century. i think i am starting to sound like a space alien so i'll stop. BUTT, beauty of knowledge. yes.
and ohchicken, we (david and i) both love it so much when you say you love that photo (it being the one YOU took...and it being very possibly the best one that's ever been taken of the two of us)...take picture...it last longer. we thank thee.
hey remember when i melted your cuisinart kettle.... hahaha you guys are great. thank you for your alien words that make so much sense. they are appreciated.
looking forward to seeing the both of you in a few hours and hearing more edifying alien words shared.
sadly the distance isn't dooable for me....
ps, you two are some double header!
That's such an incredible photo ohchicken. That's the photo that made me want to sell my camera on ebay. :)
Sarah....you are alive. I'd heard rumors of it....
I apologize for the change in subject, but I thought you would appreciate T Bone Burnett's recent remarks about the apocalypse of recorded music.
Changes in subject are our only hope (tangents are the sunshine).
I thank you. And I will take a moment to hope that Mr. burnett's words are somehow tangentially informed by something I've written or said.
much obliged,
I too enjoyed reconnecting. Blessings on you and your work.
will you read and comment on my sissy's blog at your leisure? I think she/you will appreciate.
sadly, i'm reading about the dark tour de nashville a week late. bummer, would've like to have seen you both in all your glory. can i come over for a private talent show?
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